cork lions club banner

Following links to organisations and businesses who've been involved with Cork Lions Club

Scan Productions



Cork Life Centre

Blood Bike South


Cork Independent

RedFM                              NCBI

Cork Chamber of Commerce

Connect Network

TheCorkNews For News and Events in Cork

Whazon_pic  WhazOn - Online guide to what is on in Cork

CorkCityCouncil  Cork City Council Webpage

CorkCity_Map   link to Cork City Maps on Cork City Council Webpage

 AA Ireland Route Planner

The following have all helped the Cork Lions Club in their Fundraising activities - we appreciate their help and look forward to their support in the future

96fm logo  Corks 96FM

 Blackpool Reel Cinema  Reel Cinema Blackpool

 GoSafari  Go Safari Carrogtwohill

Foto Wildlife Park  Fota Wildlife Park

biker thanks for their support in running the annual
                                                                    Bike Run in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland

corkmasters  Cork Masters Swimming Club - partners in Lee Swim Cork City Local Authority home page

DownSyndromeIreland  Down Syndrome Ireland

Billy Mac Gill Photographer - providing images for Cork Lions Club website

FitzLogoFitzgeralds Menswear  support of Golf Classic

Energy Monitoring in the home and business

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